Beautiful Mykonos Greece Destination Wedding

Mykonos Greece Destination Wedding. It just doesn't look real. The architecture and the white buildings are so amazing that everything next to them simply seems incredible. This was the setting for Bryn and John's wedding in Mykonos, Greece. They were a beautiful couple and fit perfectly in this magical setting. While John is from Greece, it was a destination wedding since they both reside in the United States. Bryn is from the Philippines. Even though it was a cloudy day, the gray sky just made the setting even more spectacular. Simple things like a door or a bird just seem more incredible in this environment. What a perfect setting for a destination wedding?

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Bryn's dress was wonderful. It had great details on the bodice and color as well. She did not wear white shoes but blue ones. This is definitely the trend today and departure from the bride dressed all in white. The color selection worked well with the backdrop of the architecture in Greece.

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John wore a suit with a blue tie that matched the color on Bryn's dress. They made a great pair.

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They wore traditional headpieces during the ceremony. It was nice to see the blending of cultures.

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Usually in weddings, it is great to see the large bridal party and lots of friends and family. However, in a setting like this, the couple is all that you need. It is almost as though they are exchanging their vows and the setting is their audience. It is so romantic.

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If you were born in another country other than where you reside, consider having a destination wedding. You would get the best of both worlds. You could go home but also have a destination wedding, which is always a magical event. It is tricky to plan from another place but it can be done. Consider all of your options when planning your nuptials and you will have an amazing wedding wherever you decide to have it.

Photographer:  Anna Roussos//Event Planner: StellaAndMoscha//

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