Pine Cone Wedding Bouquet Ideas

Pine Cone Wedding Bouquet Ideas. We love eco friendly wedding bouquets. You can definitely put a pine cone bouquet in that category. Pine cones fit perfectly in the autumn & winter months. More brides are looking for unique ways to make their wedding bouquet stand out.

This pine cone wedding bouquet is for the romantic winter bride. A bride looking for something non-traditional but still wanting some light tones to make the overall look soft. Pairing pines cones with thistles, cotton, and small flowers give this bouquet a really nice look.

Maybe you love the first bouquet but want a little more color. This bouquet gives you the perfect amount of pop that is sure to wow your wedding guests. Just add in berries, roses, eucalyptus,  a few large additonial flowers and the look is completely different.

These next two bouquets are perfect for the classic bride. Are you having a white wedding? Then this white bouquet with gold pine cones is perfect. It gives the perfect contrast but still remains simple.

Or maybe you don't like gold and want more of the traditional tones. Try pine cones with tons of white flowers. Speak with your florist to see what size is best to give you the look you want.

Last but not least, we have a simple pine cone bouquet. No flowers or spray paint. It's amazing how something so simple could look so cool with the right dress and configuration. Sometimes when it comes to weddings, "Less is more". We can see a number of different bride's carrying this bouquet.

We never thought something like pine cones could be used for wedding bouquets or decor. But we've learned that when you keep your mind open the possibilities are limitless.

We hope that we inspired you on your quest for the perfect pine-cone bouquet.

All photos via Pinterest


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